Ten Goal magazine Bespoke Living Page In Catalogue

At the end of 2018, we were given the opportunity to feature in an editorial in Ten Goal magazine, a publication created by the prestigious Guards Polo Club.

Ten Goal asked us to consider the question:
If money was no object and you were moving into a new property what would be the best product/s or services that you offer when moving to and or designing the house?

In response, we provided details on the architectural ironmongery services that we offer that will truly culminate in a fabulous luxury home.

From employing a Strada London project adviser for a day to custom-made products, bespoke decorative finishes, and branding hinge fronts and lock forends, we relished in the opportunity to share our most comprehensive and tailored services. After all, we pride ourselves on creating unique pieces that have the power to elevate a property and bring a design scheme full circle.

If you’d like to read the full editorial, click here and turn to page 115.


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